What's the number of your company's turnover last year? 贵公司去年的营业额是多少?
That is a huge number but, seen in the context of annual global trade of$ 18tn, or daily foreign exchange turnover of$ 4tn, it can easily be overlooked. 这一数字非常庞大,但与全球每年18万亿美元的贸易额,或者每天4万亿美元的外汇交易相比,就很容易被忽视了。
Employees'expectations have been rising as the economy recovers and the number of available positions increases, which affects turnover rates. 英语阅读网跟着经济复苏和职位的增加,雇员的期瞅值在升高,这同时也影响了职员活动率。
They emphasize the importance of having the right number of qualified staff, appropriate incentives to minimize turnover, and infection control measures to prevent contamination. 他们强调指出,具备适当数量的合格医护人员、制定旨在最大限度地减少人员流动的合理激励机制、出台感染控制措施具有重要意义。
Result: OVX reduced trabecular bone structure. In OVX rats osteoclast number and bone formation rate of bone surface referent were higher than in SHAM rats, with indicating increased bone turnover in OVX rats. 结果:去卵巢安静组大鼠骨量减少,骨形成增加、骨吸收增加,为高转换型的骨代谢。
Conclusion: The highly sensitive reactivity to GTP γ S in generation of inositol phosphates in VSMCs from SHR may be related to the possible abnormality of the number, substructure or function of some components in G proteins, phosphoinositide turnover. 结论:自发性高血压大鼠动脉平滑肌细胞内G蛋白&肌醇磷脂途径对外源性刺激的敏感性过高,这可能和这一途径的某些成分的数目、结构或功能存在着某些变异有关。
The national IT intermediary merchants quantity has already topped 76000 by year 2004 and the number of employees exceeds 1 million. At the same time, the total turnover has already been close to 300 billion yuan. The average turnover rises to 3,910,000 yuan this year too. 到2004年全国IT渠道数量已经突破76000家,从业人数超过100万人,全国IT渠道营业规模已直逼3000亿元,同时全国IT渠道平均营业额也从374万元增长到391万元。
Employee-leaving is a general phenomenon with economy developing, especially in IT enterprise. The number of turnover cases the frequency and the influences have caused many problems. All that makes the leaders of enterprises pay more attention to their employees. 可是随着经济的发展,企业知识型员工的流失己经成为相当普遍的现象,尤其是对于IT企业,流失者人数之多、频率之高、影响之深,己引起企业高层领导的关注。
SME need most is financial support, that adequate funding can help enterprises expand their business scale, increase the number of business turnover, attract advanced equipment and professional personnel and accelerate development of enterprises. 中小企业发展最需要的是资金支持,充足的资金可以帮助企业扩大业务规模,增加业务周转次数,引进先进设备和专业人才,促进企业快速发展。
In this development process has emerged a large number of manager turnover phenomenon. 而在这个发展过程中却出现了大量高管更替的现象。
Original supporting data from the number of personnel qualifications and seniority structure, staff turnover rate, management trainee, competition for promotion and other aspects, XB logistics talents quality inventory to provide personnel planning. 4. 从人才数量、学历和工龄结构、人员离职率、管理培训生、竞聘人员晋升情况等多方面,对XB物流人才质量进行分析盘点,提供人才规划的原始支撑数据资料。
In the modern economic society, hospitality has become the industry with increasing number of staff, high working intensity, and high turnover ratio. 在今天,酒店行业已经成为现代社会经济中,招聘员工人数多,劳动强度大,流动性高的行业。
Due to the unfairness of identity, some employees 'organization attractiveness have been effected both in material and spirit, which result in a large number of voluntary turnover. 身份差异所带来的不公平性,在物质和精神上影响了许多企业对员工的吸引力,也由此引发了大量的自愿离职现象。
The number of holdings per household and stock price manipulation showed a significant positive correlation while turnover and stock price manipulation there was a marked positive correlation. 户均持股数与股价操纵呈现显著的正相关关系,换手率与股价操纵也有明显的正相关关系。
Based on a large number of relevant literatures, it is found that the organization obligation of psychological contract, job satisfaction and organizational commitment these three variables will affect staff turnover intention, and there are complex interrelationships among them. 笔者在相关大量文献的研究基础上发现,心理契约中的组织责任、工作满意度、组织承诺这三个变量都会影响到员工的离职倾向,四者之间存在着复杂的相互关系。
Traditional assessment methods require a lot of trading activities market and a large number of open cases of turnover in the market. But there are not have enough information in mainland of China. 传统的评估方法需要大量的案例资料和公开活跃的市场,由于我国目前无形资产交易市场尚不完善,同时交易案例资料的搜集工作也很难有效展开。